Share your Travels experience in Morocco

Travels experience Morocco

Have you ever visited Morocco? Do you have something to tell us about your trip, your stay or just something to tell us about Morocco? Please share with us your story with this country.

Why write and share your story with this country?

As difficult as it seems to be at times, you have to share your trip story in Morocco. Your story gives voice and life to actual people and places around all the country. It will help others and help you to remember your stays.

Marrakesh, Essaouira, Rabat, Tangier, Ouarzazate, Tetouan, Dakhla, Fes, Casablanca, Agadir … You have certainly had some great moments in these places. You will always have beautiful or bad memories to tell.

Using the story you have lived in Morocco can change the lives of others and give them more autonomy. There are always more memories, stories, and reflections to be shared.

Send us your story in the form below

Please never stop sharing your travel story in Morocco. You’ll never know just who will need to hear it.

What you liked most, what you regretted, what inspired you, in short your life experience in Morocco.

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