6 pretty Moroccan argan oil gift set

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Selection of the best artisanal argan oil gift sets

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Dietetic virtues of Moroccan oil:

Arganeoil is a rare and precious product. Several scientific studies have shown that argane oil can act against physical aging and drying of the skin. It reduces your cholesterol level in the blood and contains anti-carcinogenic elements.


Arganoil is rich in vitamin E. This allows it to neutralize free radicals and preserve the elasticity of the skin by promoting cellular oxygenation and improving the quality of intercellular cement.

It is rich in other antioxidants very beneficial for health like vitamin A and C, polyphenols, carotenes, tocopherols and sterols.

Rich in unsaturated fatty acids

Dietary arganeoil is very rich in unsaturated fatty acids (80%). It is particularly rich in omega-6 linoleic acid (35%) which is not synthesized by the body, but which is essential for the metabolism of cholesterol and lipids. But also in omega 9 oleic acid (45%) which contributes to the regulation of cholesterol by reducing the level of bad cholesterol.

Dietary ArganOil has been shown to do a remarkable job of lowering the risk of high blood pressure and boosting brain capacity. It also turns out that argan oil can have anti-carcinogenic properties thanks to schottenol which is one of its components. And thanks to its antioxidant content, edible argan oil helps fight cardiovascular disease: arteriosclerosis, blood pressure, myocardial infarction, etc.

How to consume edible argan oil:

Food argan oil has an extremely refined and tasty almond and hazelnut flavor, Moroccans use it in different preparations and even consume it with bread for breakfast. It is used to flavor and enhance the flavor of several dishes: tagines, fish, grilled meats and vegetables… and mainly couscous! But beware, argan oil should be consumed cold and should not be heated. You have to add it after cooking your dishes.

You can use argan oil to season your salads and give them a delicate and unique taste. As Moroccans do, you can consume argan oil with hot bread for breakfast. It’s very delicious and satisfies well. Besides, edible argan oil (as well as honey and almonds) is used to prepare Amelou, a dough very popular in Morocco and used to spread bread.

Once you’ve tasted edible argan oil, you’ll succumb to its subtle taste and unique flavor. Do not hesitate to use it to enhance the flavor of your dishes! However, you have to make sure that the oil you buy is of very good quality and that it meets quality standards. Keep it in room temperature and protect from light.

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