
Microfiber broom with bucket wringer Self-cleaning + 2 Pads

Original price was: 249D.Current price is: 199D.

– 1 bucket
– 1 broom with 360 ° rotating head
– 1 set of 2 Stamps
– 1 user manual


Self-cleaning magic mop scratch mop with bucket and 2 pads

لا مزيد من الانحناء لطي الممسحة والمياه في كل مكان. تقوم بغمس المكنسة في جانب واحد من الدلو لغسل الألياف الدقيقة ، ثم شطفها على الجانب الآخر ، ثم يتم ضغط القماش ليجف تلقائيًا. تنظف الأرضية بسهولة ، بدون الكثير من الماء

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Microfiber Magic Mop Broom with Self-cleaning Wringing Bucket + refills, ideal for cleaning your floors, without getting tired. Very easy rinsing of your microfiber, does not leave wet marks, quick drying of your floor.

See others magic self-cleaning broom

No need to bend down to twist your mop, at the risk of putting water everywhere. You dip your broom in one side of your bucket to wash the microfiber, then rinse it on the other side, the microfiber fabric is compressed and spins automatically. You clean your floor easily, without having too much water.

Clean your floors without getting your hands dirty.
Water bucket with automatic wringer.
Use for any type of floor, for windows, and on traces of soap and mold in the bathroom.