Morocco Federal Anesthesia Ready to Face the Corona

The National Federation of Anesthesiology and Reanimation in Morocco has expressed its willingness to engage in the national monitoring and response plan, prepared by the Ministry of Health, and to coordinate and collaborate with all those involved in order to prevent and combat the Corona virus and to ensure possible or confirmed cases of infection.

The federation headed by Dr. Jamal Al-Deen Al-Kuhn said that she is “closely following the development of the epidemiological situation across the world”, noting the vitality of the field of anesthesia and resuscitation, which is considered one of the forefront of the specializations concerned with the risk of the spread of this virus and its potential to reach Morocco.

In a communication with Hespress, the Federation of Anesthesiologists called on the general public not to deal with rumors of intimidation and to comply in the present circumstances with the usual recommendations aimed at reducing exposure and transmission of diseases.

The same source added that regional training and sensitization seminars will be organized for doctors and nurses of anesthesia, resuscitation and urgent, and for all relevant health activities, in cooperation with the Moroccan Association for Urgent Medicine (SMMU) and the Moroccan Association for Anesthesiology, Reanimation and Pain Management (SMAAR).

In the same communication, Dr. Jamal Eddin Al-Kuhn said that the National Federation of Anesthesiology and Reanimation in Morocco is committed to mobilizing all its human and logistical capabilities in the public and private sectors, under the supervision of the Ministry of Health in order to ensure the safety of Moroccan citizens.

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