5 Examples Of DVDs And The People Who Own Them

If you’ve ever asked yourself “DVD?”, you’ve come to the right place. A DVD is a disc containing audio-visual media that a person purchases if they’d like to watch that media on a DVD player. There are millions of DVD owners around the globe, and even more DVDs than there are people who buy them. Look no further for five examples of DVDs and the people who own them.

1. Hollow Man, owned by Ethan Baker (37) of Bar Harbor Maine

One perfect example of a DVD is Hollow Man, a feature film released in 2000 that was greatly enjoyed by Mr. Ethan Baker, who made it a point to have this film available for his home viewing pleasure by buying a Hollow Man DVD back in 2007 for $19.99. Though Mr. Baker has only utilized this DVD’s capabilities twice since purchasing it nearly two decades ago (once in 2007, watching it with his college dorm mate at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and again in 2008, with that very same dorm mate, though in a different campus dormitory), he remains its sole owner, and therefore has every right to enjoy the disc’s contents the next time he feels inclined to do so. Mr. Baker is a perfect example of DVD ownership, and the many kinds of associations DVDs and their owners can share. 

2. Jillian Michaels: Kickbox FastFix, owned by Terry Patterson (53) of Fairhope, Alabama

DVDs aren’t just discs that store feature films. They’re also weight loss equipment. Just ask DVD owner Terry Patterson, who purchased Jillian Michaels: Kickbox FastFix as a tool for shedding body fat. Mrs. Patterson bought this DVD in 2012 for $13.99, and has shared a special bond with it ever since, placing it in her DVD player three to four times a week and mimicking the workouts contained within. While Mrs. Patterson is a very different person from who she was in 2012, having dropped 180 pounds, the DVD and its contents have remained the exact same. Not all DVDs will assist weight loss (for example: there have been no recorded instances of someone losing several hundred pounds by watching Hollow Man three to four times a week), but this is a fantastic example of how some DVDs can.

3. Shakira In Concert: El Dorado World Tour, owned by Franklin Foster Sr. (98) of Yellow Springs, Ohio

Some DVD owners may not even be aware of what a DVD is, despite owning one. Take Franklin Foster Sr., for instance, a 10-year resident of Cooperton Assisted Living’s Memory Care unit, whose declining mental faculties have somehow led him to become attached to his copy of Shakira In Concert: El Dorado World Tour, which he clutches tightly throughout the day for no reason any worker at the facility is able to discern. None of his nurses even know how he came into this DVD’s possession, but fully accept that he is its owner, as Mr. Foster attends no senior activity without it, and grows irate when anyone tries to remove it from his grasp. While Mr. Foster is an outlier among DVD owners in terms of how he derives joy from his DVD ownership status, deriving joy from a DVD is perhaps the most popular reason to buy a DVD in the first place. Mr. Foster serves as a wonderfully unique model of a DVD owner.

4. Psych (The Complete Second Season), co-owned by Chloe and Olivia Phillips (4) of Stowe, Vermont

Owning a DVD isn’t exclusively for adults. Take one look at identical twins Chloe and Olivia, who co-own Psych (The Complete Second Season), despite being just 4 years old (an age that puts them among the youngest DVD owners throughout the world!). Initially, Chloe and Olivia’s parents didn’t understand why their daughters’ lone birthday wish was a multi-disc DVD set for the second season of a USA Network television show that neither child had ever seen before, but obliged Chloe and Olivia’s joint request anyway. The Phillips parents knew they’d made the right decision when their twin girls immediately erupted into joyful tears upon unwrapping their brand new DVD. As you can see, DVDs are an excellent example of a gift for children, and studies establishing the benefits of childhood DVD ownership will confirm it. 

5. Awakenings, owned by Robert DeNiro (81) of New York, New York 

Sometimes, a DVD owner may be a characteristic of the DVD itself. That’s right. Hollywood actor Robert DeNiro doesn’t just own the DVD for the 1990 film Awakenings—he’s one of its primary features. It should be said that this is a rare type of DVD ownership. Very few people can walk into a store and purchase a DVD that has their face on its packaging and in its disc’s contents. However, Mr. DeNiro is of a rare breed who can. This is amongst the most coveted types of DVD ownership, and one that many DVD owners will never experience in their lifetime. Don’t let this stop you from owning a DVD. If DVD ownership feels right for you, there are countless types of DVDs to own and innumerable ways to enjoy them!

Chris Gilman

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